We have been a guild for about 6 years now.
As a new guild member you have the rank of Mortal. This rank is given to players during their first initiation and familiarisation period. This is effectively a trial period for both you and the guild to see if we can all get along and this generally lasts for about 4 weeks. We recommend that you use this time to get to know people in the guild and show that you are an asset and the sort of person that will fit in.
Be polite, respectful and be active and you will soon be promoted to full guild membership status with access to the guild bank facilities.
If you are consistently active in the guild and have showed yourself dedicated to guild matters, active in chat and generally helpful to other guild members even when there is no personal gain, you may be promoted further.
Please don't ask for a promotion as it doesn't work like that.
Movement between the ranks is ALWAYS at the discretion of the guild officers.
A Few Rules:
Manners cost nothing.
Be respectful to others regardless whether they are guild members or not.
The way you are in game reflects on the whole guild so play nice and play fair. We take all complaints about our members behaviour seriously and will actively work with other guilds and Blizzard where necessary to ensure high standards are maintained.
If you have a problem with someone in game, keep it between yourselves and don't bring it to the public or guild channels. You can bring your issues to an officer who will try to help resolve the situation. Do not resort to name calling in guild chat or any of the general or trade channels. The world does not need to witness your disputes.
Please try to avoid using people's real names in the public / guild channels. Most people are probably not bothered but some people would prefer to keep a little anonymity. Please respect that and use only their character name.
We do not tolerate any ninja behavior.
When picking up loot in a party you only ever choose NEED for an item if it is better than what your current character has.
Choosing NEED for off-speccing or so you can sell it or pass to another character is GREED not NEED.
For bind-on-pickup items its best to ask before you choose.
Different groups can have different ideas so make sure you know the looting protocols before you make a wrong choice.
Don't beg for cash. No one hands out free cash in the real world and just because you're in Azeroth does not make people think any different. Everyone worked hard to earn their gold and they are not going to give it to some beggar. If you're caught begging or its reported to us that you have been then you will part company with us rather quickly.
Boosting is occasionally offered to lower level players to help them gain XP faster. This is a perk not a God given right and is definitely not the normal way to play the game. Stupid boosting or being boosted through areas that are way above the characters level is frowned upon and not encouraged.
Feel free to ask higher level guild members for a boost but please don't pester them if they are busy. Contrary to popular belief, max level players do not sit about waiting for noobs to boost through dead mines. Reaching max level is just the beginning and you will find that most high level players are usually very busy but most help you if they can.
Don't be greedy. Continually asking for boosts will not win you favor in the guild and will more than likely get you removed.
In a Raid group the Raid Leader is in charge. He takes responsibility for the planning and actions of the raid group. If you are a member of the raid group then you are expected to do what he tells you when he tells you without debate. A certain amount of friendly banter and chatter is expected but please shut up and listen when the raid leader is speaking.
The raid leaders decisions are final and are not subject to debate.
Using any software or third party agent to grind goods or artificially level your character is cheating and we will not tolerate any player who can't be bothered developing their skills or gaining goods and XP in the normal progressive manner that everyone else does.
All offenders will be reported to Blizzard and permanently expelled from the guild.
Leaving Angelicals
Leaving Angelicals should not present a problem. We understand that there are lots to see and do in Azeroth and we will not hold you back from trying different things. If you do leave the guild we will always make you welcome should you decide to return providing you did not leave under a nasty cloud. Friends of Angelicals will remain friends.
However, the guild is not a hotel and we simply will not allow people to just check in and out as it suits them. People who do this will find the door shut when they try to return.
If you held a position of rank you will not normally return with your previous rank status. With rank comes respect and responsibility and you will need to earn that again.